Community Preservation Committee 10-12-2022


Call to Order 00:00:07

Financial Update 00:02:13

Discussion and possible vote on a funding recommendation, source of funding, committee liaison, and stipulations for the Brewster Historical Society’s request for $322,200 to move and restore Schoolhouse #3. 00:02:49

(Original application begins on page 60 Fall 2022 CPC Applications Packet ( Application updates in packet.)

Discussion and possible re-vote on a funding recommendation for the Open Space Committee’s request for $264,000 for the town to purchase a Conservation Restriction on the property at 0 Holly Way. 00:44:43

Presentation and discussion of Citizens Petition Article - Town Code Amendment – Community Preservation Committee Bylaw – Proposed changes. 00:55:44

Review and possible vote on draft CPC Town Meeting Articles. 01:46:37

Discussion and possible vote on possible changes and updates to CPC Application for Funding form 01:51:00

Adjournment 01:53:02

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