ZBA 5-9-2023


Approval of Meeting Minutes 00:01:22

2907 Main Street 00:02:00

ZBA Case #23-08 Owner/Applicant: Ocean Edge Resort, LLC, 2907 Main Street, Map 90, Lot 160 in the RM zoning district. The applicant seeks a special permit pursuant to section 179-25B of the Brewster zoning bylaw to change, extend or alter the non-conforming use of the property to include outdoor dining.

61-63 A. P. Newcomb Road 00:02:47

ZBA Case #22-15 Owner/Applicant: Remington’s Trust; Peter T. Lomenzo & Kerry Barton, Trustees, 61-63 A. P. Newcomb Road, Map 25, Lot 75, in the RM zoning district. The applicant seeks a special permit for a Bed & Breakfast use in an existing accessory building.

138 Fiddlers Lane 01:09:30

ZBA Case #23-10 Owner/Applicant: John W. Ferris, 138 Fiddlers Lane, Map 48, Lot 38, in the RM zoning district. The applicant seeks (a) a Special Permit under Section 179-25B for proposed additions to the existing single-family dwelling, which will alter or extend the dwelling’s preexisting, nonconforming location in the Wetlands Conservancy District (Conservancy Soils), Section 179-6.B.2.; (b) a Variance under Section 179-52 for a proposed deck addition to the existing single-family dwelling within the required rear yard setback.

8 Leeds Lane 01:33:30

ZBA Case #23-11 Owner/Applicant: Michael Russillo, (represented by Pine Harbor Wood Products), 8 Leeds Lane, Map 50, Lot 91 in the RM zoning district. The applicant seeks a special permit pursuant to section 179-25B of the Brewster zoning bylaw to raze and replace an accessory residential building which is pre-existing nonconforming with respect to a side yard setback.

0 Millstone Road 01:40:17

ZBA Case #23-04 Applicants: Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc./Housing Assistance Corporation, 0 Millstone Road, Map 98, Lot 12-0. The applicants seek a Comprehensive Permit to construct 45 affordable rental units on 16.6 acres, pursuant to MGL Chapter 40B, Section 20-23.

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